Art Direction

Suzie Gotis

With help from
Karina Salgado, Assistant Art Director

I helped Portland-based outdoor gear / ecommerce retailer The Clymb develop a process for shooting high-quality, low-cost imagery for use on its website.

Previously, the company was using mostly stock photography to promote its products.

Helping The Clymb to build its own image library had multiple benefits for the company  – in addition to saving money on stock photo licensing, its photography could be more product-specific, and more relevant to its audience.

One of my goals was to feature Clymb employees as models whenever possible – showcasing their love of nature and the outdoors.

With the help of a small in-house photography and planning team, I art directed many outdoor lifestyle-themed shoots.

In addition to classic art direction (pre-shoot concepting and on-site direction), I also managed the process, which included scouting locations, choosing models, sourcing props, styling, and then selecting and retouching the final photographs.

I’m proud to say I’ve now worked with: animals, athletes, well-behaved children, poorly-behaved children, steep vertical drops, snow, rivers, and fire… and I’m excited to add to the list!

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